Quantum computing is set to be one of the most transformative technologies of our times, with the potential to revolutionise everything from tackling the climate crisis to improving security and discovering new drugs for medical treatment. But after many years of hype, the technology is still very much in the development stage. Oxford Ionics is one startup that is solving the scalability issues faced by quantum computers and the company was looking for help to announce its new Series A funding round.
Quantum computing isn’t easy to explain in one sentence and neither is the groundbreaking work Oxford Ionics is achieving. Nevertheless, we crafted a release that demonstrated the unrivalled experience the team had in the space and their achievements over the past three years. We also made sure to emphasise the calibre of the investors, which included ARM Holdings founder Herman Hauser, to help engage the media.
In total, we achieved over 40 pieces of coverage for Oxford Ionics’ Series A round, including Forbes, The Times, The Telegraph, Sifted, Fortune,, TechFundingNews and The Register. The announcement was such a success that we’ve worked with Oxford Ionics on subsequent announcements and supported the team with content covering their research breakthroughs.